About me

I have been part of the fitness industry for over 25 years and have always had great interest in the human body and fascinated by how everything is connected. Over the years I have deepened my understanding of how our body works through my skills in CranioSacral Therapy according to CST Upledger, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Acupuncture Meridian Massage AMM according to Tao.

Several years ago I was looking for a method that would help me to naturally reduce wrinkles but also to remove tension and stress out of my face. And that's how I came across the amazing face yoga method. Through my subsequent face yoga coach training I have learned to notice, release, relax and rebuild my facial muscles.

Today I am 55 years young and dedicated to accompanying and inspiring people with the help of this revolutionary method and to be positive about themselves. Face yoga can help one's inner beauty stream outward, regardless of age.

My greatest joy and gift have always been creating a nurturing atmosphere and I’d love to show you how to also create it for yourself.

Let your beauty shine from within.
I will show you how.

Ira Ganas
Face Yoga exercise Face Line Lifter

Face Yoga inspires me because...

  • I can look back at my reflection with far more satisfaction
  • it’s a natural method that helped me step out of my comfort zone
  • I saw discipline as a way of learning
  • it showed me once again how important it is to accept and lovingly accompany yourself through every good & challenging day

A relaxed, radiant face and “a benevolent attitude towards yourself can also change your life”.

“Everything you need is already inside you”